Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 11th

It will be the "normal" Warhammer game day. Anyone up for a game? What time and points value?


  1. I will have to go on the "doubtful" list. Would love to get out there, maybe something 2800ish, but I cannot commit at this time so if phillip wants a game, you two should set something up. I know ken and Kev already have game scheduled.

    So Phillip, why don't you go ahead and play Liam?

  2. hey Ken, What size battle do you want to do?

  3. @kev
    Say, 3k? If not 2500 is about as small as I'm going to get to play with the cool TK stuff so around there? If under that I can just do DE but the TK were pretty fun in their debut vs Empire!

  4. Okay. I have an appt for my car to get serviced at 9:45 am. I should be home (I'm guessing) around 11:30 am. I will eat lunch and then anytime after 12 I should be good to go.
    I will have to leave for 45 min-1 hr for a funeral@2 but it should be short and it's at the funeral home so I shouldn't be gone long. I didn't know him very well but he was a 20 yr old kid who committed suicide so I want to try to support his surviving friends and family anyway.
