Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Anyone want to take over either or both campaigns?

I think it has become obvious I cannot run them.

Rules sets designed to be as clear and concise as possible have proven to be a morass of questions, people not getting them, them not making sense, whatever the problem(s) are...they are obviously very poorly written. they are as far from clear as can be and only seem to be getting worse.

Also, I cannot keep track of who has what and have a hard time dealing with how upset people got over the errors in record keeping and the problems and inequities it caused. It definitely put some people at a disadvantage and I have neither the time, energy, nor at this point interest in fixing it. So the following things are taking place more or less immediately:

1) I am dropping the Dwarf army. I see no way to play them competitively without being overpowered. They either need a gunline that is too big to be fun to go against or else will get crushed with my playstyle. So they are gone from the big campaign, even if I keep the site around for a while for my own amazement and amusement.

2) I am suspending both campaigns until someone takes them over or i can figure out a way to stay on top of them. We will just go back to one-offs for the foreseeable future.

3) If people e-mail me their results, what they currently hold, their current army lists in each location, I will ATTEMPT to update the website to make it accurate for whoever is coming in to run it.


  1. Liam has volunteered to take over the big campaign. Now we just need someone for the small.

  2. Email me your moves/updates at slapit2me@hotmail.com

    And ken if you could add me as a contributor to this site i would appreciate it

  3. I am sorry if I seemed upset over how it was run. I was not upset over how it was run. I was upset because no one could seem to understand that the battle that took place was exactly the one that should have, except that kev and I BOTH had an extra lord choice and 250 points for the territory that we both owned, which is not a big deal because we both had the territory. But based on moves in the turns they happened, it was the correct battle, just played at a later date. Which is to be expected, because at the beginning we all knew that we wouldn't get in a full turn every month.

    We all knew that we might not even get to play a battle for our own armies, especially in a big campaign, because there would be a lot of 2500-10000 point battles going on. Not a turn a month, a battle a month. A turn might take a year in the middle of the campaign, and then only if we play a couple extra games a month. Same with a small campaign, if you have 30 games to play in a move, even if each one only takes 1 hour, with only 5 people that actually play, you can only do 1/2 a campaign turn in 8 hours.
