Sunday, September 19, 2010

8th edition Campaign Starting locations

I numbered the locations and put in a convoluted "people 3ish spaces apart to start" to spread us out logirythym and here are the starting locations:

Drew: Spain, WoC
Ken: Ankara Dark Elfs
Kev: Naples (You going Skaven or Ogre Kingdom?)
Liam: St. Petersburg Bretonnians
Phillip: Holland Lizardmen

Note: You get one water space "free" for movement: IE, if you are in London you can move to Brest in one turn, but going to Spain would take 2.

I encourage everyone to play NOT your main army in games for others: IE, if Liam moves to Norway and I am playing against him, I should use the High Elf army (which is the one I would use if I were playing two armies in the campaign). Phillip would be encouraged to use Empire, Liam to use Beastmen, etc.

Questions, comments, thoughts?

New Campaign Home is here.


  1. My main thought would be that I have almost no chance of running an Empire army without a bunch of proxies.

  2. uit became apparent what I mean by "proxy" is not clear.

    Things like unit filler, etc, not proxy, anything that makes clear what a unit is...I.E. using Glade Riders for Ellyrian Reavers is fine as both are fast cavalry using bows.

    Using Glade Riders for Chaos Knights, however, would not be.

    For example, the following would be a perfectly acceptable Empire list:

    30 Night Goblins = State troops
    20 Dwarf handgunners = Empire Handgunners
    10 High Elf Swordmasters = Empire Greatswords
    5 Chaos Knights = Knights of the White Wolf
    1 Dwarf Cannon = Empire Cannone
    1 Grudge Thrower = Stone thrower

    Everything makes sense as what it is. You can look at a unit and say, "Aha, they have guns...must be hangunners. That unit has 2-handed swords...must be Greatswords."

    Conversely, it would NOT for example be okay for me to say "those 5 chaos knights are silver helms. Those 5 chaos knights are dragon princes. Those 5 chaos knights are Ellyrian Reavers"

    That just causes too much confusion. One unit type = one type and must be represented by the weapons it has.

    Hope that makes sense. Not sure if it changes anything.
