Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 13th Campaign Day

What do you guys think about postponing the campaign games this month and instead doing smaller games (500-1500pts) with different scenarios and objectives? I've found a few we could try and I have also written a few small ones. Any thoughts?

Also Kev I am going to be going to Bridgetown Hobbies next week, if you want I can pick up the new Skaven book for you and you can pay me back when you can if you don't already have it.


  1. as long as we get Ken and Kev's game done to complete that turn I am fine with it.

  2. I'm always up for whatever & thanks for the offer, but I just ordered the book off amazon (thank you gift cards!) and expect to get it shortly, although probably not in time to play it this month.
